Turku Castle During the 100years Celebration

As I anticipated in the previous post, Finns love their country and their traditions.
It seems like, out of all the festivities and celebrations, the Indipendence day is one of the most important for them.
Finns are very proud of their freedom.

Yesterday was the official celebration day (6of december) and it seemed like even the nature wanted to give her gift to the country.
The day was freezing cold but with a nice blue sky and even the sun.
The castle of Turku is owned and maintained by the Finnish state and is entrusted to the use of the city of Turku.
Now, during the ordinary days, the castle functions in its entirety as a historical museum as part of the Turku provincial museum and it is possible to visit it.
Yesterday, in honor of the Indipendence day, the city of Turku organized a special show at the anciant building.
The show started in the late afternoon and it was based on lights projections on the walls of the castle and a fire show in the main yard.
The main theme was, of course, the 100 years of Finland and everything was blue and white.
I have never seen such a big crowd here in Finland. Sooo many people coming from Turku and nearby cities, just to see the magic show.
I really enjoied the event even if it was freezing cold outside at that time ( -3° ).
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