Suomi 100 years
Today is the 5 of December.The 6 of December is a very important day in Finland.
All people get together to celebrate their indipendence and the democracy they achieved after a lot of struggle and fighting with Russian and German invaders.
The celebration is even more important this year (2017) since they celebrate 100 years.
The cities and town start preparing themelf already weeks before the official celebration day.
Flags, white and blue lights, decorations and posters, souvenires advartize the upcoming big event.
On that date all Finns are inside their houses, drinking wine, listening to the president speach and watching the official Gala on TV.
In the afternoon I joined an event for Erasmus student during which some teachers told us some information about tomorrow's celebration.
Apparently, every year there is a different theme that emphasizes the deep meaning of this event.
The theme of this year is TOGETHER.
The word "Together" simbolizes the effort that soldiers and citizens put in order to obtain the indipendence in the past and, at the same time, that word reminds the unity that makes stronger the people still today.
I can not wait to see how the city will be tomorrow and I am glad I will be here in finland celebrating.
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