My experience at The Ranua zoo:info for turists

I have been in otther zoos before but I was curious about the Ranua one. which is pretty famous in Finland.

In my opinion is totally worth t go and visit it.

 There , you can see and observe the typical northern animals: beers, lynx, wolfs, foxes, mousses, birds, etc.
For the turists who are interested,the price to get in is good, especially if you are a student ,you get a discount (the student ticket is around 13 euros, adults pay 15euros).

If you would like, at the beginning of the visit, you could get headphones with the guide and explanation for the different cages.
 We did not get them. If you can read English, it is still possible to read about the animals at the entry of their cage anyway.

Usually I am not a big fun of the zoos, or animals in the cages in general. But, I appreciated that, some of the animals are at the Ranua zoo because they are injured and so they would not be able to survive in the nature.
The zoo is very big and situated in a nice natural area. It takes around two hours to visit it all.

My favorite animal was the polar beer. I have never seen one before and it looked huge and funny.

After the walk, it is possible to stop at the coffee shop of the zoo and have a drink or lunch for good prices.

At the zoo there is a little shop with animal’s toys and the looked soooo pretty and cute.  

The main difference with the zoos I have visited in Italy is that here in Finland, due to the weather and the temperature,  they only have nordic animals. In italian zoos, we have more tropica/exotic animoas coming From the South of the world.


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